The Avicenna Forum was founded in 2008 by Mazin Al-Khafaji. It is used by hundreds of practitioners around the globe to exchange ideas and conduct topical discussions.
It is a great source of inspiration to many and a fantastic resource for specific information and knowledge on anything Chinese Medicine.
It aims to promote a dynamic exchange of experience and to create access to best clinical practice methods. For reasons of confidentiality access to the forum is only open to the professional community and users have to be registered with us.
Once the registration process is complete, members are invited to contribute to the forum, ask questions relating to their clinical practice and submit case histories for general discussion or start up a new topic relevant to the study and practice of Chinese Medicine.
Thank you for your contribution to the Forum and for helping us create a successful networking community!
Medical illustrations sourced from Wellcome Images, a website operated by the Wellcome Trust.
*Currency calculations are an approximate indication and not a reflection of real time exchange rates.
Copyright © 2025 Mazin Al-Khafaji