Module 5: Examination Munich Nov. 26th 2022
Full Payment (U.K gateway)
Full Payment (U.K gateway)
The examination will take place on November 26th, 2022, at: Tagungszentrum Kolpinghaus München-Zentral GmbH, Adolf-Kolping-Str.1, 80336 München
In order to achieve certification for the Diploma Course students must first sit and pass the final examination. The final examination is held in two parts over one day.
Certification includes an automatic 2 year membership to the Register of Chinese Medicine Dermatologists for successful participants which is accessible to the public and refers patients to qualified practitioners worldwide.
We are NCCAOM Approved CEU/PDA Providers.
We are California Board Approved CEU/PDA Providers. (Category 1 Course)
Provider Name: Avicenna Seminars. No.1198.
Tel: +44(0)1273 776499
The above CEU/PDA provider details may be used for reference for your local professional organisations who may attribute points.
Examination - TCM Dermatology Diploma Munich November 26, 2022
Examination Fee: £150
This automatically entitles students to a 2 year membership of the Register of Chinese Medicine Dermatology on passing the final examination. The exam will take place on the first day of the event.
We reserve the right to change location, date, timetables or course content of live events at any time. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel a live event without offering an alternative (such as streaming), a refund for the relevant fees will be made.
Participants who successfully complete the Diploma Course and pass the final examination become members of the Register of Chinese Medicine Dermatology, which to date consists of 200 plus members from twelve different countries!
The Diploma awarded to those who pass the final examination reflects their hard work and the knowledge and skill levels acquired during their training with Mazin, and he is happy to endorse them as TCM dermatologists.
Names and contact details of members of the Register are available to members of the public, the register serves as a referral tool for other practitioners who seek to recommend trustworthy TCM doctors in a particular area, or for patients who are looking for practitioners who are trained in this specialty.
Medical illustrations sourced from Wellcome Images, a website operated by the Wellcome Trust.
*Currency calculations are an approximate indication and not a reflection of real time exchange rates.
Copyright © 2025 Mazin Al-Khafaji